Go Fags!!! Go Dykes!!!
This morning I was listening to my CNN news update as I was getting dressed, and they had a little blurb about how the first gay couples were getting married in California. And you know what, it's about time!
People who are against gay marriage always amuse me for one of two reasons. Because when it comes down to it, there are really only two possibilities of why someone would be against gay marriage.
The first is the obvious one, and that's because Jesus tells them that gay marriage is wrong. I can immediately dismiss these people, because sure, they have Jesus' opinion on the matter, but did they bother to go around and get the opinion of the other major deities? Do you really think they went through the trouble of also polling Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Zeus, Waaq, etc? What if those other guys have a majority opinion that Jesus just wasn't on the right side of? So clearly, just because Jesus says so isn't a good enough reason.
This leaves a group of people that don't mention Jesus in their arguments, but will say that gay marriage is wrong because there is social damage by allowing two people of the same sex to raise a child. That a man and a woman is just the natural order of things. We'll ignore the obvious fact that this is just another way of expressing the Jesus point while sounding more rational. But even if they were completely omitting religion from the argument, it's not that hard to see that the "natural order" of things hasn't done that well lately. Have you looked at the fucked up marriages we have out there today, and the kids that are a result of them?
I admit, in a perfect world, you'd have a dad around to provide the model of strength that kids expect, and a mom around to provide the model of nurturing that kids expect. Not that these two are mutually exclusive, but you know what I mean. But let's face it, the world is a far from perfect place, and the odds of a kid spending his entire childhood in that utopian environment are slimmer than ever. Statistically speaking, it's just not realistic for the average kid anymore.
Just about everybody knows that if you walk into the apartment of two gay guys, it's probably going to be cleaner and nicer than the apartment that an equivalent heterosexual couple would have. And if you look in the gay couple's closets, you can bet they will each have far nicer clothes than the equivalent hetero couple. So if they're that far ahead on their apartments and their wardrobes, isn't it rational to think that the same would apply to them raising a kid?
So if they're not hurting anyone by getting married, and the odds are in their favor of them turning out good kids, then what's the problem? Also, on a tangential note, recent news stories have demonstrated a clear pattern that the harder someone lobbies against gay marriage, the more likely they are to be hiding from a homosexual experience that they're deathly terrified of. Just sayin.
So go ahead, homosexuals! Have your lavish weddings**, be happy growing old together, and if the two of you have enough love to share with a child, make it happen. Thankfully, the Jesus people can't have their way forever.
**What, did you think they wouldn't be lavish?
People who are against gay marriage always amuse me for one of two reasons. Because when it comes down to it, there are really only two possibilities of why someone would be against gay marriage.
The first is the obvious one, and that's because Jesus tells them that gay marriage is wrong. I can immediately dismiss these people, because sure, they have Jesus' opinion on the matter, but did they bother to go around and get the opinion of the other major deities? Do you really think they went through the trouble of also polling Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Zeus, Waaq, etc? What if those other guys have a majority opinion that Jesus just wasn't on the right side of? So clearly, just because Jesus says so isn't a good enough reason.
This leaves a group of people that don't mention Jesus in their arguments, but will say that gay marriage is wrong because there is social damage by allowing two people of the same sex to raise a child. That a man and a woman is just the natural order of things. We'll ignore the obvious fact that this is just another way of expressing the Jesus point while sounding more rational. But even if they were completely omitting religion from the argument, it's not that hard to see that the "natural order" of things hasn't done that well lately. Have you looked at the fucked up marriages we have out there today, and the kids that are a result of them?
I admit, in a perfect world, you'd have a dad around to provide the model of strength that kids expect, and a mom around to provide the model of nurturing that kids expect. Not that these two are mutually exclusive, but you know what I mean. But let's face it, the world is a far from perfect place, and the odds of a kid spending his entire childhood in that utopian environment are slimmer than ever. Statistically speaking, it's just not realistic for the average kid anymore.
Just about everybody knows that if you walk into the apartment of two gay guys, it's probably going to be cleaner and nicer than the apartment that an equivalent heterosexual couple would have. And if you look in the gay couple's closets, you can bet they will each have far nicer clothes than the equivalent hetero couple. So if they're that far ahead on their apartments and their wardrobes, isn't it rational to think that the same would apply to them raising a kid?
So if they're not hurting anyone by getting married, and the odds are in their favor of them turning out good kids, then what's the problem? Also, on a tangential note, recent news stories have demonstrated a clear pattern that the harder someone lobbies against gay marriage, the more likely they are to be hiding from a homosexual experience that they're deathly terrified of. Just sayin.
So go ahead, homosexuals! Have your lavish weddings**, be happy growing old together, and if the two of you have enough love to share with a child, make it happen. Thankfully, the Jesus people can't have their way forever.
**What, did you think they wouldn't be lavish?